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Beekeeping Instruction - Hive Management - Seasonal Pollination

Good for you, your community, and our future…
Beginner & Advanced Beekeeping Classes
will not be offered for the 2024 for the Season
Personal instruction and workshops will be offered upon request and as time allows.
Please contact us at


Hands-On Bee Tours - Langstroth, Warre, Top Bar & AZ Hives
September 21, 2024 - 8am - 4:00pm - See 2024 workshops tab for more information.


We will not be offering Beginner or Advanced Beekeeping Classes in 2023 or 2024. Personal instruction, workshops and tours will be posted as requested and according to time availability. These offerings will help guide you through the steps necessary to begin, keep and maintain healthy bees. Everyone participating in the will receive instruction and recommendations for starting your own apiary, and most importantly, hands-on experience.

Even if you only take a workshop here and there, you'll still be ahead of the game and on the path to more knowledge. We always say, "the more you learn, the less you know" and this is how we feel about this hobby. We've been doing this for quite some time and every time we go into the hives we see something new and amazing.

To Register, Contact us Here

ITH Class Information

Imagine That Honey (ITH) – Workshop Locations

We offer workshops throughout the summer for novice and more advanced beekeepers. These offerings are availble throughout the Monadnock Region and upon request. We try to keep our group classes small with between 10-15 students.

Beekeeping Workshops - Hands-on experience can really make a difference!

Learn from experienced beekeepers who value your interest in learning how to safely and responsibly provide a healthy environment for your bees to prosper. These offer you recommendations regarding equipment, bees, and information necessary to build and maintain healthy hives. As the season progresses you will become more comfortable in the hives and visit several apiaries and different ways to keep bees.  Cost varies acccordning to topics and time: $50/3-hours. 

We have a special place in our hearts for honey bees as well as lots of other important pollinators. Workshops will be offered to highlight how we can make a difference by offering habitat that encourage these vital creatures into our yards. Just think about what you ate today. Did it require  pollinator to flower, and bring you that piece of fruit, or perhaps that local vegetable? You can start your own garden. Let's learn how easy it can be to grow some of your own food!

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